Miley Cyrus hasn’t formally commented on her father Billy Ray Cyrus’ decision to file for an annulment from his wife, Firerose, less than a year after marrying, even though their age gap has been controversial with both fans and his family.
But Miley did have some interesting things to say about her dad in a new interview, suggesting she’s inherited narcissistic personality traits from him.
During her recent appearance on David Letterman’s Netflix show “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction,” which began streaming on Wednesday, Miley opened up about the shared conceited traits between herself and her father.
Miley Reflected On Her Dad’s Good And Bad Qualities

She took the opportunity to highlight some of the positive qualities of her famous father, but also some not-so-nice ones.
Miley praised her father’s grounded relationship with nature and reality, stating, “He also has a relationship and a foot on the ground to nature and to the real. And he always did, even when he was super famous.”
She went on to acknowledge the stark differences in their upbringings, mentioning that her dad had a “really rough childhood.” Miley contrasted this with her own more privileged childhood, explaining, “And my childhood — I mean, we can go and talk about the hard times or the struggles — but I had food, I had love, I grew up in a beautiful big house and my dad didn’t have that.” She also noted that her mom, Tish Cyrus, had a stable and loving upbringing.
Despite this, Miley expressed her gratitude for her father’s influence, particularly in navigating the challenges of the music industry. “My father — I’m grateful for being able to watch him ahead of me,” she shared. “He’s almost given me this map. There is a map of what to do and what not to do. And he’s guided me on both.”
However, she did says she believes she “inherited the narcissism” from Billy Ray, though she stopped herself from divulging more negative details about their family.
Miley’s Whole Family Is Feuding Over Her Parents’ New Marriages

While reports have said Miley’s relationship with her dad remains strained, even refusing to acknowledge him at the Grammy’s, she appears close to her mom, Tish Cyrus, who remarried a few months before Billy Ray made it down the aisle. However, her new union is just as controversial, if not more.
Tish married Prison Break star Dominic Purcell, and while Miley and her older siblings attended, fans began talking when it was apparent Noah and Braison Cyrus skipped the wedding, leading too allegations of a feud. Shortly after, reports claimed Dominic had a previous relationship with Noah before things turned romantic with her mom, adding a layer of complexities (and ickiness) to the situation.
While Tish’s marriage remains intact, as she tries to repair things with Noah (or so reports claim), Billy Ray and Firerose’s relationship seems done for. He allegedly gave her two days to move out of his home, and has cited marital fraud in court documents, though it remains unclear what caused their shock break-up.
Billy Ray listed their separation date as late May, but only a month before that, Firerose was posting lovey-dovey messages to social media celebrating her husband, suggesting things turned sour quickly.
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