If there is a character that Telecinco has to be afraid of, it is Alba Carrillo . The network kicked her out of its programming schedule, and now, they have to face the fact that their former collaborator gives us headlines like the latest ones regarding Ana Rosa and her lack of power , or also other iconic statements against the former tennis player , or even viral moments in other competing programs. Mediaset completely slipped up when they decided to expel her, she does not mince words and even less so if someone does not treat her well. Ask Santi Burgoa and his entire list of ex-partners who always come out well scalded from their separations. Alba Carrillo is a bomb every time she opens her mouth.

Teelcinco let a diamond in the rough slip away, and the competition soon signed her up. RTVE placed her as a collaborator of D Corazón , and as a contestant of Bake Off , where she has given us incredible television moments, and also other juicy headlines about the behind the scenes. Although in the field of love she does not continue to have too much luck , she keeps getting new job opportunities, the last of them an international bombshell from Netflix, she will become the presenter of the hottest international love reality show of the moment: Too Hot to Handle

Alba Carrillo in D Corazón / Instagram

Alba Carrillo in D Corazón / Instagram

Alba Carrillo in Bake Off / Instagram

Alba Carrillo in Bake Off / Instagram

She didn’t even need to wipe away a tear for her dismissal from Mediaset, after Algo Pasa TV announced the big bombshell, her project with Netflix is ​​now a reality. Alba Carrillo will be the master of ceremonies of the reality show Too Hot to Handle , which could be equivalent to the role of Mónica Naranjo and Sandra Barneda at the bonfires of ‘La Isla de las Tentaciones’ and well, after seeing her in action talking and commenting about her exes it is clear that she will excel in her role. But long before seeing her in action, the platform needs to delight us with the appropriate promotion and indeed it has achieved it.

Alba Carrillo on Netflix / Instagram @algopasatv

Alba Carrillo on Netflix / Instagram @algopasatv

Netflix has posted the first promotional video for the Spanish version of the reality show, “Jugando con Fuego.” In the video we can see the future presenter addressing the viewers, to explain how the program works through the most risqué expressions: “Too Hot to Handle would be equivalent to being hotter than a churros stick, being hornier than the tip of an iron or promising to promise until you get in.”  The contest consists of placing very beautiful boys and girls on an island, without the possibility of them getting sexually entangled with each other. A promotional fantasy that has set the comments ablaze. Pay attention.

Instagram Comments Alba Carrillo / Instagram
Instagram Comments Alba Carrillo / Instagram
There are those who dislike the fact that Netflix recycles Telecinco stars, but the vast majority have been amazed by this first dose: “There was no one better than you. I looooooove you Albaaaaaaaaa”  commented her friend Estela Grande, “Oleee!!! WAR is coming!” “Living history” Others also made fun of one of the most emblematic moments of the collaborator “Everyone waiting for the wine test”

Alba Carrillo shouted from the rooftops that when she drinks wine she gets excited and her temperature rises, a phrase that gave rise to much talk and that after absurd criticism , we will be able to see how the contestants of the hottest reality show overcome a party with all kinds of alcohol without their legs opening up. Pay attention to the bomb that Netflix is ​​preparing, Alba Carrillo is coming in strong.